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Use the table below and the associated charts and tips to buy your tickets to Cactus League games. (To make the images load faster, you may want to load each of them before you call for tickets so that they are cached for quicker reloading.)

Note on Ticket Availability: The ticket distributers listed below are handiest when you want to buy all your tickets to multiple stadia at once, as it minimizes the different numbers you have to call. With the 2000 Season this became a little more difficult, as the Giants and Rockies no longer offer tix via TicketMaster or Dillards. If you wish to act early to get the best tickets available, many of the teams have options for getting tickets earlier than these services, e.g. by mailing the team. See the Ticket Details links for more info.

Team Ticket
Park Diagram Ticket Phone# & Online Web Site Misc.
Mariners Info 2001 Peoria Stadium Online: (TicketMaster.com)
Phone: (602) 784-4444 or local ticketmaster
www.mariners.org Tips
Padres Info 2001 Online: (TicketMaster.com)
Phone: (local ticketmaster)
Angels Info 2001 Tempe Diablo Online (ticketmaster.com)
Phone: (local ticketmaster)
Brewers Info 2001 Maryvale
Baseball Park
Online (tickets.com)
Phone: 1-800-905-3315
Cubs Info 2001 Hohokam Park,
Online (tickets.com)
Phone: 1-800-905-3315
A's Info 2001 Phoenix Municipal
(2nd View)
Online (tickets.com)
Phone: 1-800-905-3315
Diamondbacks Info 2001 Tucson Electric
Online Unavailable
Phone: (520) 434-1111
White Sox Info 2001 Online Unavailable
Phone: (520) 434-1111
Giants Info 2001 Scottsdale Stadium
(2nd View)
Online (ticket.com)
Phone: BASS Outlets
800 225-2277
Rockies Info 2001 Hi Corbett
Field, Tucson
Phone: 800-388-7025

Directions to Stadiums

Map to Cactus League Stadiums

Things to Pack

Sharpies, seat pads, 15 & 30 sunscreen, caps, binoculars, scorecards, radio, balls, sunglasses

Also, don't forget to take some warm clothes. Virtually every year I catch a game or two when it's really cold, or a sudden storm moves in. I like to throw some sweats into my bag or the trunk of the car so I can just pull them over my shorts if it starts to get too cool.

Misc. Pointers and Notes

Buy a Spring Training magazine: You can usually find these in bookstore magazine sections in late winter or early spring. The good ones a little map to each ballpark and good stats and info on the teams. (Some have the hotels each team uses, if you're interested.)

Rental Car: I used to rent a convertible and this is great down there. That's before it started costing about $1,000.00 plus $250 more in fees and taxes for 10 days. I now get a special deal via my father. It's expensive down there, look for budget dealers and special deals.

Buying Seats (all parks): Most of the ballparks now have grassy berms in the outfield. These can be great, but you have to really like the sun to be comfortable out there the whole game. What I like to do is buy seats as close to the plate as possible, then slip out to the grass about the 6th inning for some sun, as the stars are replaced by minor leaguers.

Scalpers: Scalping is legal in Arizona, although usually prohibited with 500' of the ballpark. The tickets are generally inexpensive enough that it's not an expensive option to pick up tickets from the scalpers who are always to be found on the main routes into the parks, and this is often the best way to get the best seats.

Getting Autographs: Arrive early. At Peoria, if you want people from minor league camps, watch for when they walk in from the practice fields.

Food: Most the parks have a good variety of food (Phoenix Muni is a notable exception). If you don't like paying ballpark prices, you should check the ballpark rules about bringing food before heading in. Some allow you to bring in your own lunchbags and sealed plastic containers of drinks (e.g. Peoria), others don't.

Nightlife & Hotels: I haven't had time to write much on this yet, but if you enjoy the nightlife I suggest a hotel in or within walking distance of Old Scottsdale. All stadia are accessible and there is a wide variety of restaurants and bars in walking distance. I've stayed at the Scottsdale Days Inn and been satisfied, but I've spent most my trips staying with relatives and have not reviewed options carefully. Tuscon is a story unto itself -- I'll write some of that if I get time.

Our 2001 Trip: Here's the personal trip plan for me and Monica in 2001.

Related Internet Links

AccessArizona 360 Views - This site has swell views of the Cactus League ballparks that let you swivel the view 360 degrees. (See bottom of page for additional parks.)
C Arizona Spring Training Page
The Peoria Sports Complex
City Search Phoenix Events and attractions
Tucson Electric Park
Skilton's Baseball Links - Comprehensive List of Baseball Links
Scooter's Tucson Spring Training Site
Major League Baseball - Contains Spring Training info, though the links were broken when I checked 1/27/01